Edited version of a recent email from Marshall..
Please see "Holding the Line" at http://www.tucsonweekly.com/tw/current/feat2.html for some of the latest from TEP on its backup 345-kV powerline. As my Summary Brief indicated, UniSource stated there would be future ACC hearings (I count at least three - see attachment) that will have to deal with this issue:
a. Soon a hearing must be called by TEP/UniSource (they testified they were/are planning to). What needs to be explained to the public (not Commissioners in back rooms) includes:
1. Why will the line will not be operational by 31 Dec 2003 (a few weeks of restrictions in summer of 2002 fails as a valid excuse)
2. How the $30,000 penalty for being late is to be rebated by TEP to Citizens ratepayers starting in February 2004? (TEP assumed all responsibilities to provide this line to Citizens).
3. How TEP will compensate for economic impacts for being late (Nogales may plan to sue)?
4. What is the real status of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (TEP testified in January 2002, that the draft would be completed by April 2002, now is 18 months late and counting),
5. What is the status of the required Mexican Constitution change required to sell electricity to Mexico (345-kV line is no needed without this approval)?
6. How will TEP/UniSource containment of ongoing cost over-runs (cost to complete has increased from $78 to over $86 million), and
7. How can TEP now propose four routes, when only three were proposed to ACC/DOE and only one evaluated by ACC and only one approved by the ACC?
8. How will Santa Cruz County survive summer of 2004 without this line (ACC Staff said we'd not have enough power).
9. etc.[I don't think this should be a closed room issue.]
Now is the time to write, email, phone or fax your ACC Commissioners with our side of this story. See Update Two for addresses. Thanks, Marshall Magruder